Nina Magon Studio's internationally diverse team of talented and experienced professionals are some of the best in the industry. They have an extensive knowledge of working seamlessly with highly skilled architects, contractors and builders.
Staying conversant on the latest trends, products and technologies builds a wealth of knowledge, which in turn informs their deisgns, and brings the overall vision to life. Nina Magon Studio tailors each unique design to its client's budget and prides itself on delivering bespoke service.
Nina Magon Studio's internationally diverse team of talented and experienced professionals are some of the best in the industry. They have an extensive knowledge of working seamlessly with highly skilled architects, contractors and builders.
Staying conversant on the latest trends, products and technologies builds a wealth of knowledge, which in turn informs their deisgns, and brings the overall vision to life. Nina Magon Studio tailors each unique design to its client's budget and prides itself on delivering bespoke service.